to infinity and beyond

I've had some pretty epic adventures these last few years with YWAM. I'm currently on the brink of my last week here in Australia and I can't help but feel contemplative and nostalgic; so for my own reflection I decided to list some of the things I am thankful for. Many people have played significant roles in seeing me grow, learn and lead since the journey began in 2013 and so I decided to make this thought process public and give them the s/o they deserve.

Number 1: My Passport

It may seem like a silly thing to be thankful for but without that little purple book I would never have been able to leave Scotland. Being away from home has taught me to love the history, the scenery and the culture of home; however I have loved exploring forests in Latvia, temples in Nepal and the rich variety of Australia!

Number 2: Great Leaders

There have been times of doubt, fear and failure on my part but I am so thankful for the leaders that either held my hand or shoved me out of my comfort zone these last few years. Whether you were in YWAM or at home, these people have led me so well and I’m changed for the better having worked under them.

Number 3: Opportunities

Full time ministry brings challenges and opportunities in the bucketful, and I am so grateful to have experienced so much over a relatively short period of time. From the normal to the not normal and everything in between; it’s definitely not been boring!

Number 4: Nuggets

I am so thankful that YWAM values families. Without couples and kids I think what we do would have a shallowness that is only made deeper through random babysitting jobs, tales of exploding nappies during corporate events, babies taking over the mic and the occasional scream or squeak from the back corner. Seeing nuggets run around has helped remind me that what we do is real and being included in day to day family life made me feel so loved and valued.

Number 5: Three Musketeers

When I thought I couldn't stay, they helped me hear God. When I needed to word vomit my thoughts to figure out what I was actually thinking, they listened. When I needed to worship, they paused with me. When I needed a good cafe or restaurant recommendation they would go with me and share; coffees, macadamia brownies, Thai food and Sushi. Even though we’ve had different schedules and timezones over the years, I know that I can always send a text when I need them.

Number 6: Community

Dear Community Living: Here's a shout out to all the things that makes you, you. Front porch hangs, Lewis House wanders, unintentional twinning, tin-foil fights, deli sandwiches, red wall pictures and running room to room to borrow a dress for commissioning. The people make the place and everyone who has waked through that (once) squeaky roller-door has added value to my life. Roommates, DTS students, fellow staff and youth street crew, you matter and I’m thankful for you!

Number 7: Squad

My go to movie nerd; thanks for keeping me sane on outreach, being my roomie and being the first one on IMDB whenever we watch a movie. I knew from the moment we overanalysed The Book Thief that we were meant to be!

My theatre and sci-fi loving artsy friend; thanks for the angsty kitchen dishes "fights," for the introvert-together days and opening my eyes to a whole world of tea.

The one I can always count on for brekkie hangs and deep chats about kids movies; thanks for sharing my love for nuggets, personality tests and Inside Out.

Last but not least my Harry Potter soul-mate; thanks for the Buzzfeed quizzes, being the Whomping Willow to my Ford Anglia and crying with me when the Warner Bros opening appeared on the big screen during Fantastic Beasts.

These girls. We’ve had our arguments, tears, tantrums and laughs. Affectionately known collectively as The Squad, each one of them has blessed me individually over the years and collectively they’ve given me some of the best “alone-together" times, advice and many, many cuddles. Together we’ve watched too many hours of TV shows and ate way too much cheese, crackers, avocado, corn chips and orange juice and I wouldn't have them any other way.

"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard." ― A.A. Milne

Well, if you followed through all the way to the end, thanks! If you saw yourself or were part of making these years a great adventure, cheers! Here's to new things


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