Immigration By hugo lopez

Define your topic/ issue! How are people being affected by this issue? How are you being affected by this issue? How is your family/ friends/ community being affected by this issue? That we are being treated differently and they have hate towards us and it affects us because we feel hated and it's not fair that we get treated differently.

How were these issues affecting people 50 years ago? What lack of freedom did these people experience because of this issue? How are these issues still the same today?it was affecting them because they worked in fields and they got tired,sick but they still didn’t get paid and the whites had to do nothing it was unfair that we were being treated different.

How were these issues affecting people 50 years ago? What lack of freedom did these people experience because of this issue? How are these issues still the same today?it was affecting them because they worked in fields and they got tired,sick but they still didn’t get paid and the whites had to do nothing it was unfair that we had to do all the work.

Who are some vital people to your movement? What did they do to help that was so important? List at least 2 influential quotes from this person.Cesar Chavez is someone important to the history of immigration and some quotes he said were "Preservation of one's own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures".and another quote is "If you really want to make a friend, go to someone's house and eat with him... the people who give you their food give you there heart".

What is something that YOU can do, even now as a young student, to help your movement?We can fight for our rights so we won't be treated differently and will be treated like everybody else and we will have peace.


Created with images by jonathan mcintosh - "Mural in Del Rio"

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