Daily Walk In seven days, I would walk from the bus stop to home. During my walk i would pass by multiple garbage on the floor. THIS PROJECT WAS INSPIRED BY NIGEL POOR'S "OBSERVING SELF: COLLECTING LIFE'S REMNANTS" EXHIBIT.

In 7 days I would always walk home from the bus stop. Every time Iwould pass by multiple garbage on the floor because people always throw garbage on the floor like its nothing. On Day 1 I found a entertainment magazine. I choose this item because magazine relate to our lives. Its a way for us to get updates on things and deals. Day 2 and Day 3 I found a plastic cover and a soda plastic cover. It reminded me of fishes because of the 8 pack plastic holder. Day 4 I found a Q tip because it reminds me of my little brother cleaning his ears. Day 5 I found a tissue because it reminded me of how my friends are always getting sick and blowing out there snot. Day 6 I found a brown leaf with a hole that looks crispy. It reminded me of when I was little, I would always step on leaves to hear that crinkling sound. Day 7 I found a piece of cardboard that looks like its been run over multiple times. I choose this item because it reminds me of mailed packages come to my house. I choose all these items because they are recyclable.

Captured on Sunnydale Ave
Captured on Sunnydale Ave
Captured on Sunnydale Ave
Captured on Sunnydale Ave
Captured on Sunnydale Ave
Captured on Sunnydale Ave
Captured on Sunnydale Ave

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