Website production Joe Sargent

What is the Internet?

The internet is a network of network. It is both a virtual and physical world. It can be used for communication, information and recreation.

Internet Explorer

Internet explorer was founded August 16th 1995. The developers were Microsoft (Bill Gates, and Paul Allen). Internet Explorer is only available on Windows PC's/Window devices.

Goggle Chrome

Google Chrome was first released on the 2nd September 2008, and it was developed by Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Google Chrome can be used on almost any device. It comes a default on the new Google Phone, but it can be installed via an app store/web browser on almost every device e.g. iPhone, Surface Pro, MacBook.

Mozilla Firefox

FireFox was released November 9th, 2004. It was developed by Dave Hyatt and Blake Ross. FireFox, like Google Chrome, can be used on almost every device. It isn't restricted to one platform like Internet Explorer.

Apple Safari

Safari was released January 7th 2003 along with the first iPhone. It was developed by Steve Jobs, who was also a founder of Apple. Safari is only available on MacBooks and iPhones.

To Inform

Websites that inform are usually updated frequently and they inform people on what's going on around the world. Examples of these websites are..


BBC News

The Sun

The Sun

To Educate

Websites that educate help students by providing past papers and other revision resources. Some examples of these websites are...

BBC Bitesize

BBC Bitesize



The Persuade

Websites that are for pursuading promote their views and lure you in with large fonts and "click bait" titles. They would lure you in to make you either buy their product, or to get ad revenue off of you (all you have to do is click on the article, and they'll get paid). Examples of these websites are like..






When you go on these types of websites they advertise all their products and try to get you to buy them. These websites monitor the type of things you've searched (cookies) and they replace your ads with those items to guilt you into buying them. Examples of these websites are..





For Storage

These websites allow you to upload, and download, loads of data. It is basically an online hard drive that can be accessed from anywhere, if you have an internet connection. Some of these websites are..





For Sharing

These websites allow you to share content such as music, videos, and information. You can share these things with anyone you want, friends, family, or even the world. Some of these websites are..





For Social Interaction

These websites allow people to communicate through the internet. These websites are quite similar to the websites that allow you to share, but these ones are specifically for communication between people. These websites let you share videos, photos, and comment on these posts. Some of these websites are..





Website Convention

Websites will include all/most of the following conventions:

Logo - A unique and recognisable picture or badge. The user will recognise this and know that they're on the right website.
Search Function - This part of the website allows the user to quickly look for anything on the website based on a word or phrase.
Interactivity - Any element of the website that allows to control or add something.
Website/Product Name - Similar to logo. The website/product name will need to be big and clear so that the user knows they're on the right website.
Image - A photo/picture/visual element.
Hyperlinks - They can be any selectable object (a word/picture/video), clicking on a hyperlink will take the user to another part of the website.
Embedded video and music - Many websites will feature a wide variety of video and music to inform or entertain the audience.
Virals - Can ve an image, sound, or a video. Viral's are used to spread a message very quickly. They are designed to be passed on and shared between users.
Layout Grid - A website might be laid out vert tidy, straight lines and columns. This makes it easy for the user to view it.
E-commerce - Used to describe an area of the website the user can buy, trade or sell anything.
Merchandise - There will be an area of the website where the user can purchase related products or 'merchandise'. Think of it as a gift so in a museum - but online!
Navigation Bar/Menu - This will allow the user to easily find and change between tabs and pages on a website.

Static VS Dynamic Websites

What is meant by "Static website"? - A static website contains Web pages with fixed content. ... Static sites are the most basic type of website and are the easiest to create. Unlike dynamic websites, they do not require any Web programming or database design. A static site can be built by simply creating a few HTML pages and publishing them to a Web server.

What is meant by a "Dynamic Website"? - Dynamic websites contain Web pages that are generated in real-time. These pages include Web scripting code, such as PHP or ASP. When a dynamic page is accessed, the code within the page is parsed on the Web server and the resulting HTML is sent to the client's Web browser.

Static Website Examples

These are static websites because everyone will see the same when they go on it.

Dynamic Website Examples

These are dynamic websites because everyone will see different things. For example, on FaceBook you'll only see the pictures of your friends, not everyone has the same friends - therefore they'll see something else making it a dynamic website

How my TV show website could be both static AND dynamic for each user.

I could make it static on my shop page, because i want everyone to be able to see the same mercy.

To make it dynamic, i could have a login feature that'll allow the user to choose what's on the homepage for them. They could subscribe to the feed of their favourite games.


Created with images by Galería de ► Bee, like bees! <3 - "amazon" • Pexels - "apple business camera" • Ian D - "BBC Pensions" • FixtheFocus - "Gmail!" • geralt - "facebook internet network" • Zenspa1 - "instagram-logo-transparent-png-i9"

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