The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt by Abbey Lin

I had never been to the Constance theater before so I didn't know what to expect. The auditorium itself was actually nicer than I had pictured it to be. I thought my seat location was actually perfect. I wasn't sitting right up front, but I was right in the middle and I could see everything perfectly. I loved how the theater was smaller because I feel like every seat would've been a good seat to sit in. It allowed people to be more interactive with the play. Also, when the lights dimmed and everyone got quiet, I felt a lot of suspense because I didn't know how the play was going to begin. I believe that place has a lot to do with the Good Life. You need to be in a place that you love and feel comfortable in. For example, I grew up in Wisconsin for most of my life and I always hated the cold weather. I knew I always wanted to travel south, and I feel like I'm much happier living in Florida right now.

I attended the performance with my friend Taylor. Honestly, we worked out right before going to the play. We also read over the Divine Study Guide that we printed out on our way to the show. I'm glad I attended the performance with a friend. Our conversations after the play allowed us the digest what we just watched. Shared experiences are important in the pursuit to the Good Life because talking about an experience with other people is necessary for a healthy lifestyle.

Our world has changed tremendously in the last century and our culture today is extremely different from how it was back then. I thought central issue was whether or not Talbot and Michaud should help Sarah break through the norms of religious society. I did not know much about the performance before attending besides a little background on Sarah, Talbot, and Michaud. Sarah grew up in a convent and originally wanted to be a nun until she got into theater around the age of sixteen. Talbot grew up in poverty and Michaud was a rich boy. The performance made me realize that we don't have to listen to societal norms and we can develop our own beliefs based off of our own personal experiences. The subject matter doesn't relate to anything going on right now in my life. However, I grew up going to school at a small, private Catholic school almost all of my life and I often questioned what they taught me.

The Divine: A Play for Sarah Bernhardt definitely provided us with the opportunity for "katharsis". Sarah Bernhardt happened to be a very controversial actress who went against religious norms. There have been many injustices within the church including child labor and sexual assault. Sometimes you have to come clean about these injustices so that people can receive justice. This play definitely shows what it's like to come clean of societal norms.

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