New Jersey, Founded 1787 brett murray

Painting of the founder of New Jersey, Duke of York. he also founded many other English colonies. new York was named after him

After the English took control, Puritans came from New England and Long Island, Congregationalists from Connecticut, and Baptists from Rhode Island. Quaker settlements in Shrewsbury and western New Jersey during the early 1670s predated the better-known Quaker colony in Pennsylvania.

Gently rolling hills, is less than 100 feet above sea level. In the east the landscape consists of pine forests and salt marshes. Closer to the Atlantic coast, the salt marshes are more plentiful and shallow lagoons.

According to USA History, farming was the main occupation for many people in colonial times. However, other people owned shops or served as ministers, artisans, fishermen, shipbuilders and sailors.


Created with images by pennuja - "Sunset 4-12-2010" • Chatham House, London - "Duke of York Hall" • Catedrales e Iglesias - "Catedral Basílica Nuestra Señora de San Juan de los Lagos,Estado de Jalisco,México" • Georgio - "Marin Hills" • Marine Corps Archives & Special Collections - ""Farmerettes for a Day", circa 1945"

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