Fire on 93rd By:hailey

On thanksgiving a six alarm fire broke out on 93rd street in New York which brought more than 200 firefighters to the scene. When they heard yelling coming from the the 5th floor on the side of the building. 2 firefighters that heard a man named Duffy. got some help from another 4 firefighters.

Here is the 5 story building in flames

When they got thinking of what to do, almost everything that they thought of was blocked by the fire. They took a 35 foot ladder but it didn’t reach Duffy. The only option left was” A last ditch effort” which is repelling

This is one of the firefighters repeling off the building

Once they got the rope up to the roof 2 guys stayed up at the roof and 2 stayed at the bottom to make sure that they were ok and made it down safely. Firefighter Lee had finally reached duffy. It was almost too late. Duffy had a burning piece of wood on his back with his hood up because of the really thick smoke. When Lee had got Duffy and started to repel down the building they rope started to burn and break but luckily they got Duffy down. Because right after they got Duffy down the rope snapped.

Here is the rope after it snapped

But once the call was over the duty didn’t stop there the 6 firefighters had went to visit duffy to help him get a house. And pay for the hospital bills.

Works Cited

Web. 12 Dec. 2016. <>.

Web. 12 Dec. 2016. <>.

Web. 12 Dec. 2016. <>.

Web. 12 Dec. 2016. <>.

Web. 12 Dec. 2016. <>.

Web. 12 Dec. 2016. <>.

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