Sahara Desert the biggest desert in the world

Land Formes

In the Sahara Desert, there are many different land forms. Some examples are:

Dunes, Platunes, Planes, and many maintains.

Where is the Sahara Desert found

North Africa, while the Tropical or Cancer goes threw it. The Sahara is a massive 3,500,000 square miles

The Sahara Desert

Interesting facts

  1. Used to be a swamp 6,000 years ago
  2. Whale bones were found in the Sahara Desert
  3. Crystals are found in the Sahara Desert
Whale bones found (Left) desert Crystals (right)

Thank you

A project made by Alyssa Gilson and Lindsay Beyer


Created with images by - "Winding Road in the Sahara" • ammar01uk - "Western Sahara" • wonker - "Sahara Desert"

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