Socrates By: Ben Burlingame

Born around 470 B.C. in Athens, Socrates was an Athenian sculptor and philosopher. Almost everything we know about him comes from his students writings. Socrates left none of the writings behind. Socrates was one of many critics of the Sophists.

Socrates beliefs were that there was an absolute knowledge existed and all real knowledge existed inside everyone. Socrates also believed there was always a right and a wrong. He invented the Socratic Method, he asked pointed questions to force students to think for themselves. Some Athenian leaders thought this method was a threat to their power.

After their defeat in the Peloponnesian War, Athens changed and they didn't trust open debate. A few years later, Athenian leaders accused Socrates of teaching kids to rebel against the state. A jury found Socrates guilty and sentenced him to death. Instead of running away, he said he lived under city laws so he had to obey them. He drank a poisonous drink and Socrates died.

Seattle in 1934 and Seattle now. Past and present.

Most of Socrates beliefs are still believed in today. Also, his teaching ideas are still being used by teachers to interact with their students and have inspired the way teachers interact with students. Most people know who he is and are inspired by him.

Created By
Benjamin Andrew Burlingame

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