Mr. Shrimpton's Storytime Bonanza! By mr. shrimp

The life and career of Mr. Shrimpton

Mr. Shrimpton grew up in the grassy lands of East Hoathly which is really not very far from where he now works...

It was not far from where he lived

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Mr. Shrimpton doing a spot of fishing?

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Created with images by fun in photo's - "DSC06720" • diego_torres - "jurassic coast climbing sea" • diego_torres - "jurassic coast climbing sea" • Moyan_Brenn - "Sea" • Couleur - "wave sea water" • fun in photo's - "DSC06720" • Jan-Helge69 - "Red clouds" • macayran - "sunset sea ​​of ​​clouds clouds" • Hardrockster - "fish feeding sea" • pixcarraldo - "wave sea sun"

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