Compassrodes The traveling adventures of the rodes family

Greetings, fellow adventurers and globetrotters,

We have taken our first steps on our blogging journey and will be documenting our family’s upcoming trip to Ecuador, South America. If you haven’t met us… well prepare yourself, and continue reading.. The Rodes family consists of Chris, (34) the husband and paterfamilias of the family (that’s me), Holly, the beauty I married all those many years ago (yes, I left her age out on purpose.. psst she may be 2 years younger than me), Ayden (1st born son, age 8.ish), Asher, (age 7 and seriously believes he will grow up to be Spider Man), Amira (age 3.7ish & the princess of the family albeit the tomboy princess), and bringing up the tail end of our family is Avery age (15 months) We would like to extend this informal invitation for you to join us as we embark on the maiden voyage of our family’s world travels. If you’d like to learn more about us than check out the about section of our website.

(So, are you still there?) Wow, you must be as easily entertained as I am.. (or bored , but i’m not judging) well if you’ve ever wondered what its like to travel with 4 children under the age of 9 to another country… well stay tuned… 28 days abroad and the only person in the family that’s experienced in world travel is the lovely and talented wife and mother of my children (if it isn’t blatantly obvious yes, I’m trying to score brownie points). I’m sure our odyssey won’t be lacking or have many dull moments so stay tuned and we welcome questions and comments (unless they are criticizing my grammar 🙂 Feel free to browse our page and links to learn more about us and see our domestic and worldwide travels and exploits as we will be updating it frequently. Until next time.. C&H

Before: Packing for 2 adults and 4 children with t-minus 24 hours and counting til liftoff for Ecuador, S.A.

Packed and ready!
Created By
Chris Rodes

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