Glass Max Medors

1) I chose dark blue glass with two light blue noodles and clear glass on each side to give the blue a floating appearance.

2) I learned that it is important to place each piece in the correct place so certain parts that you want to fuze together do and parts you don't want to fuse together don't.

3) The hardest part was keeping the noodles in the right place prior to putting them in the kiln.

4) My grandma is going to receive my glass pendant because she loves anything made by her grandchildren.


Description is identifying the literal qualities or realistic presentation of subject matter, along with the elements of art found. It demands only the facts of what can be seen, often in one or more works of art; and partly two or more works can be described by comparing them to each other.


A plan, or to plan. The organization or composition of a work; the skilled arrangement of its parts. An effective design is one in which the elements of art and principles of design have been combined to achieve an overall sense of unity.


The part of a composition that is emphasized, has the greatest visual weight, the most important, powerful, or has the most influence. A certain color can be dominant, and so can an object,line, shape, or texture.


The element of art that refers to an object with three-dimensions (height, width, and depth) and encloses volume.


The colors name. Example: red


The relation of one thing to another with respect to size and placement.


The combination of elements or art, such as line, shape, or color, in an artwork. Variety is a principle of design.


Created with images by VasenkaPhotography - "Ohio State Univerity Stadium ~ Columbus"

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