Embroidery Learning Basic stitches

Step 1: Thread the needle

Use a small scrap of paper to assist in threading the needle. Make a knot in the thread around the needle so it doesn't slip back through as you work.

STep 2: Create a boarder using different stitches

Running Stitch
Push the needle through the underside of the fabric and pull until the knot catches. Skip over about a finger's width and push the needle back through the fabric to the underside. Continue this process until you've created a running stitch.
After making your first stitch (in the same way as a running stitch), skip about a finger's width of fabric from the underside. Push the need through the underside of the fabric and reverse the stitch so it meets the first stitch.
Flower Stitch
Create a loop in the yarn by pushing your needle up through the underside and back down through the top side. Hold the loop with your thumb so it doesn't create a stitch. Push the needle up through the fabric at the top of the loop and tack it down with a stitch.

Step 3:Knot thread on the backside of fabric

Push the needle through a stitch creating a loop with the thread. Create a knot by pushing through the loop.

step 4: Create a simple drawing to embroider

With chalk, draw a design. Using your preferred stitch, embroider your design.

step 5: color in the design

Satin Stitch
Create stitches close together so that no fabric can be seen between each stitch.

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