Zephire the music of charlie reichert powell

I am a fifteen-year-old producer and multi-instrumentalist from just outside of Chicago, IL. I have been producing for 4 or 5 years as of now, and have been playing guitar for over 7 years. I started uploading my individual work on Soundcloud nearly 3 years ago, and have since embedded myself in a thriving community of like-minded electronic producers like myself. This has enabled me to get in contact with larger producers and other artists (rappers, visual artists, etc.) to collaborate on projects. Right now, I am working on an EP by myself, as well as an album with Ben Beal, a well respected rapper in similar circles. Click the button below to experience Zephire, the moniker I've been releasing music under.

I have also been playing in numerous combos and groups as a guitarist. Last year, I was a part of a funk combo named Two Percent. We released a few songs on Soundcloud before a majority of the band left for college. Click the button below to hear those. I have also been recording an album with my good friend and excellent bassist that we plan to release in early 2017. This is on top of playing in the CYSO Jazz Orchestra, where I have met many very talented high school-aged musicians from the Chicago area, a few of whom I've been playing events and small shows around town with.

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