What We've Learned in Photography by, esha ahluwalia & Ileana tutykhina


In the Changing Room

After you follow the instructions displayed in the video, pour the chemicals (D-76, Stop, Fixer, PhotoFlo) into a measuring beaker and then into the container and swirl it for a certain period of time based on the temperature.

In the Dark Room

Welcome to the Darkroom

Before the Chemicals:

Line the negative up in the negative carrier
Put the negative carrier into the enlarger.

The Chemicals:

First, place the sheet of photo paper in the D-76 Developer for 90 seconds or until the exposure is to your liking.
Then, put it in the stop bath for at least 30 seconds.
Next, is the Fixer. It must stay in here for at least 3 to 5 minutes.
Finally, put the photo paper in the washer

After the chemicals:

Squeegee It.
And, finally, run the print through the dryer.

To Make Prints:

Before making a print you must make a test strip. However, before you make a test strip, you must make a contact sheet by exposing all of your negatives on one sheet

You have to make a test strip before you can make a print to confirm your process.

After you make a test strip, expose the full photo paper to light and then run it through the chemicals

If needed, you can trim the print down


Place a sheet of photo paper under the enlarger. Arrange everything the way you want it and then expose it to light.
Place it in the various chemicals until the exposure is how you want it to be.

To Dry Mount:

First, tack your print to a special tissue paper and then to a board and place it in the dry mounter.
Close it and leave it in for 30 seconds then let it dry for 5 minutes.

Pinhole Camera:

For a pinhole camera, you must have a box and cut a 1x1 inch square out of it. Cut a square of the same size out of an aluminum can and duct tape it over the hole in the box. Next, poke a hole over the aluminum can.
In the darkroom, tape a square of film on the side across from the hole.
Duct tape a black flap over the hole and keep it closed with a rubber band
To take a picture, lift the flap for about 3 seconds depending on the weather.


To create a storyboard, you must take pictures with a polaroid camera, print them and glue them to a board. Then you may add extra detailing, if you'd like.



Changing aperture decides whats in focus and whats not

Shutter Speed

Shutter speed allows you to stop motion
Or blur motion

Three Point Lighting

For head shots, three point lighting works the best

The stage is set up with two lights in front of the model and one light behind their head. These lights are called the key light, back light and hair light.

Pro Tips:

𝘍𝘰𝘀𝘢𝘴 on what's important
Don't forget to download all your files
Or fill out the rubric
  • If your print is under/over exposed in some places than others, you can use burn and dodge tools to even it out.
  • You can use a contrast filter to make the blacks more black and the whites more white
  • You can use a grain focuser to focus the negative in the enlarger.

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