Archaeological Monuments Zone of Xochicalco.

"The Archaeologarical Monuments Zone Of Xochivalco" is a chitecture and iconography of Xochicalco show affinities with Teotihuacan, the Maya area, and the Matlatzinca culture of the Toluca Valley. Today the residents of the nearby village of Cuentepec speak Nahuatl.Of special interest are sculptured reliefs on the sides of some buildings. The Temple of the Feathered Serpent has fine stylized depictions of that deity in a style which includes apparent influences of Teotihuacan and Maya art.

The Xochicalco can be translated from the Nahuatl as "in the house of the Flowers", is an important place of Mexico, since is a lot of history transmitted by the Mayas from a long time these places they became the key keys of the tourism in Mexico Both in Morelos and in other places of the beautiful country of mexico you will find a lot of history.

If a place like"Xochicalco"was neglected and not cleaned or cared for by anybody this place would be alone and the great history of the Mayan ancestors will not be counted and nobody would remember it, and the tourists do not visit this place nor if the people who live in Morelos It would visit and it would lose the magic of the culture and the interest to discover but also speaks very badly about the country in general the region and the city for that reason it has to be kept clean and clean.

The place is visited by people from different countries because they want to know more about Mexico and its tourist sites so beautiful; More than all its culture and its pyramids The place is visited by people from different countries because they want to know more about Mexico and its tourist sites so beautiful; More than all its culture and its pyramids the place is visited by people from different countries because they want to know more about Mexico and its tourist sites so beautiful; More than all its culture and its pyramids

To visit this beautiful place and enjoy tourism and see the pyramids full of culture; There are different ways to get the most important is to reach Mexico and go to the city of Morelos where our tourist place is located and a way to get there is by plane or by car there are 5 hotels very close to where one can stay to sleep and there is a very good service and different prices depending on the budget of each person.

The place is visited by people from different countries because they want to know more about Mexico and its tourist sites so beautiful; More than all its culture and its pyramids.

I hope this information about the beautiful culture of "Xochicalco" has been very helpful to see and know more about the cultures of Mexico!

Gabriela Alejandra Morales Espinoza.

Created By
Gabriela Morales Espinoza


Created with images by skeeze - "pyramid xochicalco mexico" • Frank Hemme - "Imaginar"

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