Lululemon Vs athleta

Lululemon Products: Activity, tops, bottoms, accessories

Athleta Products: Activity, bottoms, tops, accessories

Lululemon Prices (Cheapest Price):

Fleese Be True Crew (Outwear) - $98.00

Mini Purist Cycling Waterbottle (Waterbottle) - $16.00

Athleta Prices (Cheapest Price):

Sentry Anorak (Outwear) - $89.00

17oz Water Bottle by S'well (Waterbottle) - $35.00

Lululemon Locations: Online + International

Athleta Locations: Online + America Only

Lululemon Promotions: give out discounts

Athleta Promotions: give out discounts

Lululemon Strengths: Male + Female clothing, more choices

Athleta Strengths: Online shipping free on some days

Lululemon Weaknesses: Shipping free in 2-7 business days

Athleta Weaknesses: Female clothing only, only free shipping if orders are $50 or more

Lululemon Opportunities: Offers a lot of jobs, believe in self-empowerment

Athleta Opportunities: Offer jobs to women athletes

Lululemon Threats: lots of competitors

Athleta Threats: Competitors + Stocks

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