MunkyTown Davin Gumabon


The city Munkey Town is a governed as a democracy. We are really big on the people's say and a just an agreement that can be fair not only on each other but society as a whole.

Here is our capital building where all the political Munks go to.


In our utopia we believe peace and happiness is not brought from the materials that all people use to function everyday. So we got rid of them with the Indulgence Act. Where no one in Munkey Town isn't aloud no form of electronics or media sort. Instead we spend time with one another, enjoying each others time, using our presence of kindness as our indulgence.

In Munkey Town we use the standard US Dollar for currency.
People of Munkey Town spending time with each other.


Ascerism- We use this form of religious practice to teach our people to be more discipline and have a structure in their life. Also with the plus of avoiding certain forms of indulgence that can disconnect you from the world and the people around you. We also believe in recreation. Meaning that our earth is our sacred ground everywhere!

Everything is sacred! Cherish it.

Social Structure

Kind of related to our economics category, we monks from Munkey Town are always with each other. We are all family and take pride in our traditions and practices. We carry out the Indulgence Act, where we are not aloud to use certain things like devices that connect us to the media or the outside world. Instead in replace of that we get each other. Spending time with each other in the town is key to our survival. It brings happiness and joy to each of us.

Our people shopping and interacting with eachother.


In our town we carry big traditional dances, these dances represent our people and the tribe they decent from. Also when we are not dancing, we train, our people are always ready for an attack or any disaster to happen. So we train our people in many marital arts.

Our People training
Our people dancing and performing.


Created with images by ErnestoPz - "Kapaleeswarar Temple" • ErnestoPz - "Kapaleeswarar Temple" • Cooperweb - "Money" • planetlight - "2 monks" • josemdelaa - "hand rain zen" • shankar s. - "The first of the monks begins to arrive!" • tinou bao - "Martial Arts Guys" • kalanz - "Paradise Cove Lu'au 9_20_08"

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