Malnutrition By Zoe Lia Weissman

Malnutrition is a condition that results from a lack of proper nutrition caused by not having enough to eat, or not eating enough of the right things.

Problems malnutrition cause

Malnutrition in adults can lead to a number of health problems, like:

- tiredness and fatigue; loss of energy and strength

- pot belly

- weak immune system

- involuntary weight loss

- prolonged healing of injuries

- dizziness

Adults also tend to make more visits to their doctor, the emergency room and the hospital. Additionally don’t recover from surgery or other procedures as quickly as adults who are well nourished.

Causes of malnutrition in adults

This condition occurs when a person doesn’t eat a sufficient amount of healthy foods, or doesn’t eat enough at all.

Health problems: Older adults may have health problems that cause a loss of appetite or make it difficult for them to eat. They may be on restricted diets that make some foods tasteless to then. They may also have dental problems that make it hard to chew or swallow foods.

Medicines: Certain medicines can decrease appetite or affect the taste and smell of food.

Low income: Older adults may have trouble paying for groceries.

Disability: Older adults who have dementia or physical disabilities may not be able to shop for groceries or cook for themselves.

Alcoholism can decrease appetite and affect how the body absorbs nutrients from food.

Depression in older adults can lead to loss of appetite.

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