Felix The kitten who saved me

I was going though a really hard time in my life. It's hard to explain what I was feeling, so many mixed emotions. I was lost... I had been struggling to keep my head above the water of what seemed like an endless sea. Losing hope... Then a friend took me to her barn and I found him. A little ball of fur that brought me back from the brink.

He was only about five months old, but had so much life in him that it gave me a new one.
I love watching him grow and play with his toys.

Everyday he'd get bigger, stronger, and bolder. He still is.

He is now nine months old and is going to be full of life for years to come. He is my savior and my best furry friend. I would still be lost drowning in that endless sea without him. He is the kitten who saved me.


photos taken by Elora Wait

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