Abby Louden Art 2 Portfolio 2nd period

The best part about this piece is the shading of the bottles and boxes. I would blend the shading more smoothly if I were to improve the piece.
I like my way of cutting the objects but I would change it to be neater and arrange the shapes in a way to flow better.
I like my detail in the trunk of the large tree but I would make the leaves in the tree more detailed if I could.
I like my highlights in my hair but the entire piece doesn't look like me. I would fix the lip shape and blend the highlights a little better.
I really like my blending of the paint on the bottles but I would fix the shades of blue on the boxes to look more 3D.
I like my blending of the charcoal but I would add more highlights to the face if I could, everything just looks the same color.
I like my smiley face on the inside but I would try to make it more vivid and neat if I could.
I like my neatness on the entire pot. I didn't make the lid to stay on the pot, it slides off very easy so I would change that if I could

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