Medals R Us we customize your dream meads, and not the cheap ones.

We customize medals for everything. Whether it´s for a basketball championship, or if it is a dance championships. We have it all. The best part is that it will look the realist.
Enough about the business. Let's talk about the people you are leaving your money with. Our CEO is Nike.Not the shoe and clothes store Nike, but the god Nike, followed up by that the person who is in charge of the money is BIA her sister , Nikes sister. Then we have the guy who is in charge of the factory and that's Styx her mother. It is a family business, but then there's me.
She is the god of victory, and mostly when you win something you get a Madel
A regular custom made medal is $15, If it is for more than 2 people is cost $20 each. There are refunds and we will fix the medal if it is not what you wanted.
We are located in Pennsylvania, 3 store in Miami, 2 stores in Maryland and 1 store in Washington. We are also online. Free shipping.
At Medals R Us, everyone wins so we make ordering your personalized gifts simple. You have the opportunity to customize and add individual touches to the following: Design: Choose What Artwork or Logo You Want to Use Incorporating Color, Text and Imagery Shape: Any Shape Medal Can Be Created Size: From 1 3/4” to 6” Medals Colors: Choose any form of Colors Medal Finishes: Gold , Silver Antique, Bronze Antique, Gold Polished, Silver Polished and Bronze Polished All Available with Colorfill Neck Ribbons: Choose from Printed, Sateen, Solid Color or Custom Print Your Own Neck Ribbon Your Crown custom medal is sure to be one of a kind. We can recreate your existing design/logo or create new artwork at no obligation.
Thank You for listening to my presentation be sure to stop buy, and buy some MEDALS.


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