The Power of Possiblity BY: lYNAEA pACE

Although both Melody and Steve Alexy were limited in physical ability, they were able to overcome their trials and show the world that there is always a way to achieve your goals, no matter how impossible they may seem.

Melody is an eleven year old girl who has suffered from cerebral palsy. Her whole life she was thought of just by her disability on her body and not the ability of her mind.

Cerebral Palsy is a disability that limits muscle function and is caused by brain damage, usually before birth, when the brain is still developing.

When Alexy was very young, the doctors told his parents that he wouldn't even learn to walk. His parents were told to put him into a care facility but his parents refused. His parents tried hard to make him have a normal childhood, and now he lives independently and even drives.

Steve Alexy always wanted to do fitness, but when he started he had no idea how big of an inspiration he’d be. He wanted to get into fitness for three reasons. One, he wanted to stay in shape and keep his health up. Two, all the exercise helps him move and get around better. Lastly, he wanted to do something different. He wanted to show the world that it's not a person's disabilities that define them.

Alexy and his trainer Chris Lovelette, went to a bodybuilding competition on June 28th, thinking it would be a normal competition. While Steve Alexy was performing, a fellow bodybuilder, Suzi Farren Newman, videoed Alexy's routine. When Alexy finished, the crowd and the judges gave him a standing ovation. The video was posted and received 40 million views in two days.

When Alexy was done with his routine, the crowd and the judges gave him a standing ovation and the outstanding achievement award. “ A few in the audience had tears rolling down their face,” said Chris Lovelette. That was only in the stadium. When the video went viral, the comment section was exploding with comments of people all around the world. People from California to Indonesia were touched and inspired.

Alexy has been working out at the Anytime Fitness gym for the past five years. According to Alexy, he chose Anytime Fitness because he knew that many trainers would be afraid to work with him and he did not want to be babied. That was never a problem once he met his trainer, Chris Lovelette. Over the years they have grown to be more than work out partners, but friends. Chris was never afraid to push Alexy, which made his training better.

Alexy still continues to do bodybuilding and compete in competitions. He is the same as before, just a little more well known. He hopes to do many more competitions in the future.

Steve Alexy overcame his disability to do something he loved. This is like how Melody overcame her disability and was able to make the quiz team. This shows us how you can achieve your goals no matter how impossible they seem.

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