managing in the health and fitness industry seminar five

In this weeks lecture we have discussed both tangible and intangible resources that need to be taken into consideration when planning staffing structures in a health and fitness organisation to enable them to be managed effectively.

Staffing structures can be the largest share of running costs, therefore it is essential that organisations use the right structure. Within health and fitness organisations both flat and tall structures are common in the public, voluntary and commercial sectors.

For this weeks seminar session you are to chose a health and fitness organisation of your choice in either the public, private or voluntary sector. You are to research and list all of the current resources within the organisation, including.

  • Physical resources
  • Financial resources
  • Human resources
  • Intellectual capital

Using this information you are to produce a short summary (no longer than 250 words) as to how these resources are beneficial to the management of the organisation. For example how do the resources enable the facility to run effectively.

For the second part of this weeks task, using the same organisation you are to research the staffing structure of your organisation and provide either a flat or tall structure detailing the levels of hierarchy. This can be at either a local or national level.

As a final task you are to chose an organisation of your choice who have multiple facilities across the country. For example Pure Gym, Virgin Active or Nuffield Health. You are to provide a summary (no longer than 500 words) on the geographical location of these facilities and how this can have an impact on sales and competition.

Please upload your answers on the turnitin link in week 5 on the module learnzone page.


Created with images by GYMer_Jason - "cross fit zimmer health" • Unsplash - "calculator mathematics math" • RobertChlopas - "dime euro banknotes currency" • .v1ctor Casale. - "Kettlebell" • LouisBauer - "fitness weight dumbbell" • Pexels - "sport fitness workout" • ArtCoreStudios - "workout ball pilates"

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