snowboarding isabelle c.


Burning question for reader: would you want a loge snowboard to go of jumps?

What is snowboarding?

How do you snowboard?

How do you not fall on your face?

Clever subtopic titles

What is snowboarding awesome that is what it is

How do you snowboard you don’t fall on your face

How do you not fall on your face we never know

Snowboarding short for awesome

Snowboarding can be your best sport one day. Wear I like to

go snowboarding? Well ... i enjoy going to west mountain and gore mountain. you can enjoy skiing or snowboarding down ether mountain with your friends our with your family and you can go in the woods well you snowboard with and theme and thru the woods. Also you would want a long snowBoard to go faster

You would want a snowboard your side so you could do tricks and go on big jumps

Who is tom sims ?

Tom sims is the person who invented the snowboard he is so awesome and i just found him on the internet he basically is my life i love to snowboard if i could snowboard every day i would that is why i love snowboarding her is a background of tom sims. Tom sims was a world snowboard champion that lived in santa barbara california 1971 till his death tom sims was born on december 6 1950 la california. Sadly he died on september 12 2012 santa barbara california .

R.i.p awesome snowboard guy tom sims

Why do i like to snowboard

One reason why i like to snowboard is because i was hard to learn

I love learning hard things because then i turn my focus switched on and i did it i am now competing in contests and going of jumps and some ralls. 2 reason why i love snowboarding is it is me it is a big piece of my puzzle and without it i'm not going to be as weird as i am now.

How i got introduced to snowboarding

Before snowboarding i skied one day my dad said izzy u can not snowboard and sky because at that time my whole family snowboarded so i started to snowboard and now i am here

What do you need to snowboard

You need snow pants, helmet, gloves, snowboard, jacket, snowboarding boots , and hot cocoa because it is going to be cold outside

That is all of me telling u about a awesome sport ever and one more important fact is that you have your own decisions to make and if u are a skier and u want to be a famous skier thene be one i am going to be a snowboard champion word reerd setter


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