KRS III @ 40.7 legendary life

You might wonder why I started this month with a picture of food. To tell you the truth, this past month has been all about food. Not only have I been fed delicious food, but I've also been fed spiritually, mentally and physically.

I've been blessed to see 2017. If this is a clue as to how the rest of the year will be, it's going to go into the category of Legendary!

Keep scrolling to see what made this month amazing!

Passing of the Guard


This day was a tough one for me and many around the world. While I don't at all agree with the current POTUS, I think we must strive to make the country as better place. Using President Obama as an example, we must learn to trust each other and see where we have common ground. Now that I got that out of the way. Let's see what happened before this day.

My work is your vacation

Raleigh, NC - Travel Meetings

Jacksonville, FL - Ship Inspection

Mellow Mushroom
Breath of Life SDA Church
Carnival Elation
Too cold to swim
AIRbnb House
I love sports. I don't love the Falcons
Who Dat All Day!

Shifting positions...

In the front of the room. DJ KRSIII
Officially appointed to the Dekalb County Zoning Board of Appeals

As you can see, my month has see some spectacular moments. I realize each month keeps getting more and more interesting. By simply allowing your life to accept the walk He has for you, living legendary becomes part of who you are.

I'm humbled by my life so far in this new decade. Even as I type this, I know that this month will be even better. Who Dat! Sorry I had to say that one more time before Sunday. All jokes aside, I want to thank each person that takes the time to peer into my life.
Continue to climb higher each and every day!
Live Legendary!
Created By
Kenneth Saunders III

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