Kable Rowland Geniuos Hour

Blog Post

Blog post 1

For this next six weeks I have decide that for my genius hour project I will try to increase my accuracy with a bow and arrow or other words archery. I choose to do this because back when I was 12 years old i used to compete a little, and now i am 15 years old so I have not used a bow for about 2 to 3 years and I am afraid that i have gotten very sloppy. My goal is to be able to shoot 4 to 6 bulls eyes from 30 to 40 yards or meters away it would be really nice if i can get 6 bulls eyes from 40 yards away by the end of this six weeks if i get this goal halfway through i will go even further about 50 to 60 yards away . I will take result shots once a week and see how much i improve over the next six weeks and at the final six weeks I will stop all my data collection.

Blog post 2

One thing I have learned about my genius hour project over improving my accuracy with a bow and arrow is that i am nowhere near as good as i used to be two or three years ago. I have learned that I have quite a long way to go if i want to be better then i used to be my skills are rusty so i might just be able to kick of some of that rust and resharpen my skills. My first source for this project is an article about the history of archery and it is found on the world archer .org. I choose this source because if i know how a bow and an arrow came to be it will help me understand the mechanics of a bow on a more complicated level which I can do a lot with that info on improving my skill. from, here I will practice more especially know that base ball season is over at the end of this week for junior varsity, so now i have more time to practice archery i can start three times a day

blog post 3

I have learned that all i needed to do was to kick off all that rust. I am almost as good as i used to be I do need more arrows then i currently have some are not sharp enough to penetrate the target. i have learned its not as easy as i remember but i am progressing fast. I do not think i will make my original goal or if i do it will be very difficult it will take a lot more practice so i might need to bump it up to three to four times a week. this week i found a archery aiming tip video titled archery tips and techniques: How to improve Your Accuracy With a Bow and Arrow, I found this source on youtube. from here i increase the amount of practice days and see if i am better at instinctive shooting or better at taking my time to aim. I used to be an instinctive shooter but i think i have lost that instinctive shooting ability. But not all hope is lost i can try to reclaim it.

blog post 4

blog post 5

I am almost done with my genius hour project I do not know if I want to stop where I am or take one more result at the end of this week. I will most likely try to take one more result because as of right now I only have 4 weeks of results so if I take one this week I will have 5 weeks of results. One thing i have learned is next time i need to buy arrows that are not green because those are harder to find in tall grass as opposed to orange arrows. I still have only 2 sources I am not sure if i should use you tube again or another website for my third and final source. from here i go on to finishing my second blog or in other words my final product for this project. I still need this weeks results for my second blog and to finish uploading some pics and videos. I believe I have done very well on this project but i am glad it is almost over

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