The Not So Secret Life of Me Sabrina Caines

Oh Father Where Art Thou?

Have you seen my dad? No? I guess that makes two of us. But don't feel sorry for me. My journey begins the day he got off at the exit ramp. I was born in Giessen, Germany in 19OLD to a German mother and Italian Father. After just two years my dad decided that his journey was not on the same road as mine, and he walked out the door, never to be seen again. Luckily, a few years later, a nice American soldier thought my mom was pretty and that I was okay too. When I was 14 years old, we moved to America where I learned to speak English and eat way too many cheeseburgers. Ja, Ich kann noch deutsch sprechen.

Becoming More Smarter :-)

I received my B.A. of Arts in English with Teacher Certification at Armstrong Atlantic State University aka Armstrong University aka Georgia Southern University (Too soon for that joke?)

Teaching My Heart Out

Please don't look up our Football record, or I will have to drop the class.

Right after graduation, I accepted a teaching position at Long County High School in Ludowici, Georgia. They needed an 11th grade American Literature teacher, and coincidentally, I was one. I have been there for 10 years, and they will have to carry my dead body out of the building before I will ever leave. It is truly a wonderful place to work. I am currently the English Language Arts Department Chair and have moved on to teach Honors English and Journalism. I run our yearbook publication and am also the head coach of our Lady Blue Tide Soccer Team.

We are actually pretty good, and I absolutely love coaching these girls. Yearbook is almost as exciting as soccer.

The Future Life of Me


I am currently working on a dual Masters degree in Media Specialist and Instructional technology. I chose this dual certification because I want to be sure that I have multiple paths leading out of the classroom, and into a leadership position. One day in the far off future, I would like to be a high school administrator. In the very close future, I am hoping that my hair grows back soon, since I chopped it all off on a silly whim. Everyone has regrets I guess.

Snapchat Filters Make Me Feel Better About My Hair! Please Don't Judge Me.
Created By
Sabrina Caines


Created with images by libookperson - "Things I learned from my dad"

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