Animal and plant Cells by: Reiko Ueda

What are cells?

All living organisms on Earth are divided into cells. The main concept of cell theory is that cells are the basic structural unit for all organisms. Cells are small compartments that hold the biological equipment necessary to keep an organism alive and successful. Living things may be single-celled or they may be very complex such as a human being.

The Cells Theory

  1. All living organisms are composed of cells
  2. The cell is the basic unit of structure and organization in organisms
  3. Cells arise from pre-existing cells

Animal Cells

An animal cell is defined as a eukaryotic cell in which all the organelles are contained in membranes.

Plant Cells

Plant cells are eukaryotic cells that differ in several key aspects from the cells of other eukaryotic organisms.

Difference between Animal and Plant Cells

Structurally, plant and animal cells are very similar because they are both eukaryotic cells. However, the few differences that exist between plant and animals are very significant and reflect a difference in the functions of each cell.

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