The Dark Army by joseph delany

The dark army is the second book in the continuation of my favorite series the last apprentice which then turned into the star-blade chronicles

Delaney was born in 1945, in Preston, Lancashire, England.After serving for a while as an apprentice engineer, Delaney decided to become an English teacher at Blackpool Sixth Form College, where he helped start the Media and Film Studies Department. During his time there he also began writing. His first novel, written under a pseudonym, was unsuccessful; his later works were all written under his real name. He finally achieved his greatest success with his The Last Apprentice series.

The dark army was published on march 2 2015 by The Bodley Head Ltd.

Tom Ward is now spook of the county, and with his apprentice, Jenny, he continues the fight against boggarts, witches, and terrifying new creatures of the dark. Together with the witch assassin, Grimalkin, Tom and Jenny lead an army into battle against a dangerous enemy—but it all goes catastrophically wrong. The situation seems hopeless until Alice—Tom’s lost love and a powerful witch—appears. But Alice had turned to the dark: can Tom trust her now? Joseph Delaney’s deliciously scary imagination continues Tom’s saga, introducing new readers to the struggle against the encroaching dark and taking longtime fans back to familiar settings, where they will find old friends—and old enemies.

Thomas ward is the main character he is a seventh son of a seventh son As the seventh son of a seventh son Tom has gifts such as being able to see and interact with Ghosts and Ghasts, and being hidden from the long-sniffing of witches.

the authors writing style is interesting i like that he goes into detail when talking about a new creature but i dislike that he sometimes never brings back those same creatures

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