
Year 5 Autumn 1

Welcome back from the year 5 team!

Ready for a new year!

Our first topic this half term is 'Keep Believing'

We will be focusing on mental well being and confidence building, as well as developing key skills in maths and writing that would have been covered during lock-down.

important information

The Year 5 school day starts at 8.55am

5KW will enter via Salisbury Road and line up near the tree house. Mr Wood will be there to support you each morning, sanitise hands and guide you into the building.

5SB and 5ZG will enter from Station Road and line up at the far side of the playground. Mrs Bryant and Miss Glennon will be there to welcome you each morning, sanitise hands and guide you into the building.

Lunch time will be at 12:00 and eaten in class with a Midday Assistant. Once lunch is eaten, you will be taken outside to play in class bubble groups.

Toilet breaks have been scheduled at regular intervals throughout the day and there are Support Staff available to take children to the toilet if they are not able to wait for the allocated times.

School Home Time: 3:00 pm

Please be on time for collection of your children at the same point they were dropped off in the morning.

Homework will be set each Monday and expected to be completed by the following Monday.

Quotes from our Year 5 children

"I was nervous because I had not been in school for six months but now I feel better because I've got to know everybody in my new class." - Lucy

"I felt scared about coming back but after I had been back in school for a day I felt much safer." - Poppy

"I was happy to see all my friends back in school, this made me feel less anxious. I have loved starting the new work already and having all new books and stationary. Having regular toilets breaks helps me and I feel safe when we are washing hands more regularly." - Harry

"I am happy to be back to school and enjoy seeing my friends again. I like having my hand sanitiser with me, it makes me feel safer. I am glad we are going to learn some socially distanced games because I am not sure what we can play at playtimes." - Sophie

How we keep ourselves safe in School

Our Golden Rules
E-Bug Hand Washing Guidance

The Creative Me will:

Create an original piece of artwork to promote the Academy Christian values of Love, Courage and Responsibility.

For Love, children will create art inspired by the story of the Good Samaritan;

Jesus said: ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbour as yourself.’ (Luke 10 v27)

For Courage, children will create art inspired by the story of Jesus Calming the Storm;

God said to Joshua: ‘Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’ (Joshua 1 v9)

For Responsibility, children will create art inspired by Let Your Light Shine.

Jesus said: “You are the light of the world; let your light shine” Matthew 5 v14 & 16

Children will use tools to carve and add shapes, texture and pattern, build up layers of colour, use qualities of watercolour and acrylic paints to create visually interesting pieces, use a variety of techniques to add interesting effects and depict movement, perspective, shadows and reflection.

The Healthy Me will:

Well-being (pshe)

The first half term of this academic year has been developed to allow us to explore different emotions, stresses and anxieties that we all face as we start back at school. Each day, we will be looking at different factors affecting our lives such as the way we are dealing with Covid-19, how we relate to others and how we understand grief. We will be following the recommended 'Jigsaw' program as well as the most up-to-date government guidance to support our pupils (and staff) with their mental health and resilience to cope with a variety of situations.

There are many published documents to support your child's mental health and wellbeing. Here are some links to some of the resources available online:

NHS 5 steps to mental wellbeing https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/improve-mental-wellbeing/

Get fit for free NHS https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/free-fitness-ideas/

Mindfullness calendar - 5 minute activties to develop mindfullness https://www.mentallyhealthyschools.org.uk/media/2026/mindfulness-calendar-daily-5-minute-activities.pdf


This half term, children will be learning dance, yoga and invasion games as part of their physical education. We aim to provide children with time to practice mindfulness as a way to manage stress and anxiety; an opportunity to express their creativity and develop flexibility as well as a connection to music through dance; and an opportunity to refine their ball skills including striking, dribbling, possession and passing skills through invasion games.

On days timetabled for PE (from week beginning 14th September), we ask that children arrive wearing the expected PE kit. Your child is welcome to wear navy jogging bottoms instead of their skort/shorts if they prefer. However, they must still wear their federation PE t-shirt, school jumper/cardigan and suitable trainers (not plimsolls). Please do not wear other branded items.

5KW pe is on Tuesday and Thursday
5SB PE is on Wednesday and Friday
5ZG PE is on Tuesday and thursday

The Independent Me will:

This half term we will read the text 'Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls' and draw inferences of characters' feelings, thoughts and motives from their actions and justify answers with evidence from the text. We will also be building children's retrieval and questioning skills and would be appreciative of any support you can provide at home embedding these important skills. Reading Planner /Diaries will be coming home soon with an explanation as to how you can help to develop these skills at home.

We will also read the text 'Of Thee I Sing' by Barack Obama and use it to inspire a magazine article to celebrate black heroes and raise awareness about some of the issues around racial discrimination. Our focus will be on developing the use of punctuation, paragraphs, prepositions, tenses and conjunctions in our writing.

The Inquisitive Me will:

Explore Number: Place Value in maths to compare and order numbers up to 100,000, recognise numbers to a million, round numbers up to one million and recognise and use Roman numerals.

Pupils will be completing early assessments this half term ensuring that we, as teachers, know how best to move the pupils forwards and to set work for individuals according to their needs ensuring that all pupils are able to make the expected progress or catch up, where necessary.

The This Is Me will:

Spiritual - Reflect on the Academy Christian Values, complete mindfulness activities, take part in Yoga exercises and respond to artwork.

Moral - Participate in class-based worship, create a class charter of rules and behaviour, understand consequences of behaviour, make healthy choices.

Social - How to resolve conflict, take part in activities with others to develop social skill development.

Cultural - Study black artists and role models through art and writing.

Throughout all lessons, children will be given the opportunities to express their views in a safe and supportive space.