Tintoretto By: Jack colantuoni

Tintoretto was born in 1518 and in Venice, Italy.

Tintoretto basically spent his whole life in Venice, Italy and he barely left to go anywhere.

Tintoretto studied with Bonifazio Veronese and Paris Boredone. His idol was Titian.

Tintoretto was born and grew up in Venice, Italy and was very daring in his paintings, but lived a very reserved lifestyle with his two sons and his one daughter.

Tintoretto made many paintings in his lifetime such as: Mars, Venus, and Vulcan and Last Supper.

Last Supper by Tintoretto

This piece was created between 1592 and 1594.

The piece is found in the San Giorgio Magiorre today.

This piece is very significant because it was a remake of a Da Vinci painting. This was very daring to almost copy the idea of another painter.

I think this piece is very interesting because of the bold move to take an idea and put his own meaning on it. Also it shows themes of Religion in it which was very odd because of the Humanism trend on the rise.

This piece resembles classicism because the painting contains Jesus and a religious theme.

A thing that I found was very interesting was that his personality that was portrayed in his work was not the personality that he had as a person.

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Created By
John Colantuoni

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