Project DOCK INN Customer Feedback System for DOCK INN Hostel

Who are we ?

We are a bunch of different kinds of personalities. Each one brings something new and valuable to our group. Our group includes one handsome guy surrounded by 15 fantastic and intelligent women and we study tourism in Haaga-Helia Porvoo Campus.

How were the research groups organized?

The semester group was divided into three different research groups according to the following themes: prior to stay, during stay and after stay. These groups will focus on certain topics at a time.

Where are we now?

The project was introduced by a presentation on DOCK INN in a nutshell. Currently we have received instructions for the project and we have also started writing the theoretical framework based on relevant English and Finnish literature found in our campus library. We have looked into qualitative research methods and a made research plan. The research plan presents our data collection methods. Interviews by a set of specific questions will be conducted at ITB Berlin Convention and on Porvoo Campus.

How will we continue?

The data will be collected in Berlin (interviews) and on Porvoo Campus (focus groups). The data will then be transcribed and analysed. At this point, theory will be studied in further detail and adapted to the results. The study will be finalized by week 20. A Full Study Report with a system to manage customer satisfaction will be delivered as a result of the study.

How would you like to receive our study results?

There is the option of visiting us in Porvoo or to have a Skype meeting between Porvoo and Warnemünde. Or do you have any other suggestion ... the choice is yours!

Our preliminary timetable suggests that the final report will be ready by week 20 in May.

Thank you for your attention and wishing you all the best with the opening of your fabulous hostel!


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