My Time Management Reflection Bryan hAZEL

3 Day Schedule

Below is a minute by minute schedule of my life. It starts on a Thursday in February and ends on the Saturday of the same week (2/9/17-2/11/17).

Journal of schedule

Overall I stuck to my schedule quite well. The first day I was perfect everything went according to schedule. The second day my productivity to took a dip. I was 15 minutes late to my 9:05 English class and in addition I got to comfortable and extended my lunch from 11:00-12:00 to 11:00-1:25. I ended up not reading Mr. Fox (required reading). The third day went according to schedule because it was the weekend and I did not have to deal with classes. Although I did play video games for 20 more minutes. It was okay because I finished the discussion board early.


The time management schedules are quite helpful. In addition to having the physical schedule right in front of you writing it down also helps remembering events. Covey's quadrant has made my life so easy. It takes the edge off making hard decisions by prioritizing them for you. Before this class I can guarantee that I wasted more time trying to make decisions then actually doing the activity. One of our guest speakers Jennifer Gorree actually said that this was a studied fact amongst individuals. I have also learned schedules don't work unless you have access to them at all times (either by phone or planner) and if you schedule is to vague you will forget what you have to do.


Created with images by *- Aiari -* - "Time"

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