
Rebar & Cement Here we come!

The construction team achieved a significant amount of progress over the last two weeks while working on:

  • Continuing Stone Columns for Building AB
  • Setting up the perimeter of the structure for rebar holes
  • Lake continuing to be drained
  • Digging holes for rebar placement
  • Installing grout for Building CJ
  • Demucking area of the island
  • Sheet piling for the barrier of the island
  • Continuing to create foundation holes for rebar
  • Continuing stone columns placement

The construction team is preparing building AB for the installation of rebar and the pouring of concrete.

They are continuing to drill and fill the stone columns for building AB's foundation.

Roadwork on Blackwood Avenue's extension continues with the positioning of manholes along the road.

The team is preparing Lake Bennet for the ConTech archway system to be installed. It will create the foundation for the boardwalk and road along the Lake.

Setting up the perimeter of the structure for rebar holes.

Continuing to create foundation holes for the rebar.

Rebar is being put together and being installed in holes.

  • Lake continuing to be drained
  • Demucking area of the island
  • Begin sheeting piling for the barrier of island
  • Removing and moving dirt around the island and where the road will be laid
  • Piping being added to drain water as necessary to continue island below lake water level
Created By
Giovanna Gutierrez