Miranda VS Arizona By: Belle elegante, taylor jones, and zackary swenson

Side one:

Miranda was accused of self-incrimination. When he was arrested he wasn't informed of his 5th and 6th amendment rights they used the confession against him.

Side two:

Arizona didn't inform Miranda about his 5th or 6th amendment rights so Miranda confessed and Arizona used the confession against him in court.

Supreme court decision:

Supreme court states, ¨Miranda has become embedded in routine police warnings to the point where the warnings have become parts of our national culture¨

How it affected the laws of the country:

The police are now required to say ¨you have the right to remain silent.¨

How it affected the culture:

People now want more lawyers or attorneys. More lawyers needed to be hired in order to fulfill all the cases.

Works cited:

“Miranda V. Arizona.” Bill of Rights Institute, Arlington VA, 2017, billofrightsinstitute.org/educate/educator-resources/lessons-plans/landmark-supreme-court-cases-elessons/miranda-v-arizona/. Accessed 1 Mar. 2017.

“Miranda V Arizona.” Landmark Cases, Landmark cases, 1966, landmarkcases.org/en/landmark/cases/miranda_v_arizona#Tab=Overview. Accessed 1 Mar. 2017.


Created with images by kevin dooley - "Roosevelt Lake, Arizona" • Meta Mourphic - "arizona"

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