Mirari Update December 16, 2016

We've got some releases to share!!! A couple of our original soundtracks are now available on iTunes. The first is the My House Original Soundtrack (available here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/my-house-original-soundtrack/id1185496188). Also - be looking for more on the My House film release in the near future!

My House Album Cover

The second release we are announcing is The Living Dead Original Soundtrack (available here: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/id1185502709). This is the soundtrack to a film we created last spring in partnership with Emmaus Road Ministries' Youth Explosion. We are doing another film with them this year (scheduled to shoot in January). We ask for your prayers as we transition from pre-production to production on this project! ...Additionally, Youth Explosion is hosting a fundraiser that partially would cover production costs, but also takes care of even bigger needs that they have such as food for their youth camps this summer, and a church van (very much needed)! While this is not a Mirari fundraiser (and we rarely ever post links to projects that aren't ours) - we are very proud to be partnering with Emmaus Road Ministries... so here is where you can find more information about what Youth Explosion is doing this year, and how you can be a part of it! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/youth-explosion-2017#/

...Now... just as a hint :) - both of these soundtracks are available on Spotify as well.... but it would really help support us if you were to listen on iTunes... However, if Spotify is your jam, we totally get it and are happy that you are listening on any venue!

Youth Explosion

And... finally - (sorry, I know this is getting long!) - we successfully finished recording our first audio drama "Jekyll & Hyde" on Saturday. Our version is a retelling of the classic story by Robert Louis Stevenson with a gospel message at the center. Just for fun - here are some of the outtakes from Saturday's recording session. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0dnhn3PNSA&feature=youtu.be


Created with images by Nanagyei - "Frozen Berries"

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