My inspirational poem for Noor Written by vnss

Behind that smile is it really worth while?

Heartache and fear spill onto your face as tears.

You've been dedicated to that man for seven long years.

You gave him part of your life to become his dotting wife.

You gave him two beautiful girls,

and you tried to give him the world.

But your hopes and dreams became bigger than what they seemed..

And when two hearts drift apart that's when the hard times start.

But you can still be a queen without your wedding ring.

And if your man don't wanna be down,

then you gotta take away his crown.

He has to learn that in order to build an empire,

he has to lift his queen up higher.

Be strong and teach your daughters that women have to be more smarter.

They have to work hard and have their own,

that way he can't leave you without a home.

I don't wanna see you cry but you can't keep living a lie.

The real you will end up dying inside.

I know your name means light,

so I hope you don't give up the fight.

Trust that things will work out and everything will be alright.


Created By
Vaness S

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