Crispr Michael DeLouker

What is it?

Crispr is a way of editing DNA that is much cheaper and wields more results than the previous ways. It has the potential to increase life span and possibly modify humans in the future. It could get rid of diseases such as cancer with just a shot. It runs down the DNA strand and tries to find a match to a changed strand that has disease on it, and when it finds the strand it removes the disease.

How is it useful?

Crispr is useful because it helps get rid of viruses and diseases we thought we could never get rid of. It can also cure unborn children of diseases, and when they have kids, their genes will pass down and it will eventually lead to a society where people are immune to disease. In the future it could also be used to modify humans so that we could live better in different conditions.

Should it be used and why?

This should be used, but to an extent. It should be used to get rid of diseases and viruses that are too complicated for modern technology. However, this should not be used to modify life spans and people. This should not be done because it will lead to problems with overpopulation and because some people might take advantage of this.

Why is this interesting?

This is interesting because it can cure diseases and viruses that we don't know the cure yet and more. It is interesting because it is being researched in the present. It is also interesting because it seems like technology far beyond our time, like how we don't know the cure to most viruses yet but we are looking into something that could cure all disease.

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