How to pack for camping Trenton Franklin

Materials you will need: Clothes, Bug spray, medications, tent, food, cooler, pillows, and blankets

Make a list of what you need to pack
Then pack all your things into a bag. Including bug spray and clothes
Make sure to have your medication in you bag so you can take them

Now put all your food and drinks that you are going to pack into you cooler and fill it with ice so the food stays cool.

Next pack your tent into the bag and put it into the car.

Then put your cooler and your bags with your clothes in the car.

One thing to avoid is pilling everything together where it might get lost.

Now you're ready to go. Have fun on your camping trip

I taught myself how to pack


Created with images by Pexels - "camper camping constellation" • koalazymonkey - "To-do list book." • kalleboo - "Bags are packed and I'm ready to go" • See-ming Lee 李思明 SML - "“Mobile Biohacking Travel Case” (by MUJI, naturally) / Biohacks / SML.20121203.IP3.03154.SQ" • MikeBird - "sports car vehicle transportation"

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