My Grade 9 Self Presented By: Hanna Cherian

My Gym Experiences

In elementary school, I have participated in several sports. Firstly, I have participated in volleyball. Volleyball was my favorite sport to play all the time because it is an active sport that always makes me become more active. It's also a sport that I loved to play during my free time. Another sport I love to play is basketball because it makes me more active by running and to get a basket. Like every sport, it is team sport that teams work together to win a game. The third sport that I love to play is badminton because I love to play both singles and doubles. Its also because it's a sport that you can play in different ways such as if your playing doubles you could play front and back or side to side. If your playing singles you move around more than you move to play doubles. By playing all of these sports in elementary school, I felt fun and really great because all of the sports was really active and makes you more energetic. In conclusion, volleyball, basketball, and badminton are my favorite sports.


My two fitness activity I improved on are wall sit and beep test. For my wall sit, at the beginning of the semester, I got 01:08.28 and when I did the fitness recently, I got 01:12.32. I also improved on beep test because at the beginning of the semester, I got 2.3 and recently I got 2.8. I improved wall sit by 4 minutes and 4 seconds. For my beep test, I improved by 5 seconds. To conclude, wall sit and beep test are my two fitness activity I improved on.

Hanna doing wall sit
Field Hockey

There are many challenges in field hockey I faced. One of my challenges was holding the stick with right hand because it was hard for me to pass the ball using my right hand. Secondly, I had difficulties to lift the ball to get a harder shot because you need to use power and energy. The last challenge I had was playing field hockey outside because it was hard for me to pass the ball to my teammates. Therefore, these are the challenges I had when I was playing field hockey.

Hanna doing a pass
Track and Field

If I were to participate on the Listowel Lightning Track and Field, I would participate on any running events because I like to run and it makes me energetic. I would improve on the running events by getting some tips from my friends. Another way I would improve is I would practice. As a result, I would participate in any running events.

Hanna doing running long jump.

How to Hut the ball

Firstly, you need to put the football in between your legs.

Then, your quarterback is going to say something.

Finally, you throw the football to your quarterback and the quarterback will catch the football.

Hanna doing different types of football skill such as throwing, catching, hutting the ball, and kicking the football.

Volleyball is a great sport that require teamwork. Like every sport, volleyball is a sport that you can be on a team. You need to work as a team to win the game. It's also because it's a sport that will make you energetic and active. Moreover, it's a sport that you can get many tips from your peers. It's a sport that you will never give up and you would just want to play. Consequently, volleyball is a popular sport since it requires teamwork.

Hanna doing various skills in volleyball.

Personally, I rather play singles because you can run around. It's also because you have more space playing singles. Furthermore, when your playing doubles, you have call for the birdie so that you can hit the racket with your partner. Sometimes, you might go to your partners side and hit the birdie, but at times you may not hit the birdie. In conclusion, I rather play singles than playing doubles.

Hanna doing different skills in badminton like serving, receiving the birdie.

I personally think that strong decision making very important through secondary school, you will have to stand for yourself at times where you face difficulties. It's also because if you didn't stand up for yourself, your risking your lives. In addition, you need to be confident and have the courage to stand up for yourself. To conclude, strong decision is very important when your in secondary school.

Advice to Grade 9 Self

There are several advices I would give to my grade 9 self. Firstly, I would tell them that secondary school is very different. There are times when you will have to stand up for yourself. Additionally, I also would try to enjoy high school to the fullest. I would advice them that love what you do and make new friends. Furthermore, I would tell them to be confident and try to have courage to do something. I also would tell them that in secondary school, you need to be more responsible for yourself and to be aware of your marks. As a result, these are the advices I would tell my grade 9 self.

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hanncher596 LDS

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