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Sawnee Zone after-school program

There is an annual registration fee of $65.

Come join and make new friends at Sawnee Zone where the fun never stops! This is not any ordinary after school program…the children will be engaged, learning, having fun and wanting to attend every day!

Director - Trudy Liles

Director, Trudy Liles

770-887-6161 ext. 772121


Sawnee Zone is designed to provide a safe, relaxing and enjoyable environment for elementary school age students. The program is in operation from school dismissal until 6:30PM on the days students attend school, including early release days and is open to all students K-5 who attend Sawnee Elementary School. Students must be present at school on the day(s) they attend Sawnee Zone. Activities include snack, homework, weekly themes, team building, learning games, reading buddies, recreational sports, art and crafts, stem activities, free play and special guests.

Registration and Fees

  • Full Time: $70.00 per week, per child. This plan includes morning drop off.
  • Part Time (3 days or less): $55.00; Add $10.00 to include morning drop off.
  • Mornings Only: $35.00 per week.
  • We do not offer daily rates.
  • Tuition must be paid weekly and is due on Mondays.
  • To make your payments please go to Any returned checks will go to a collection agency through FCBOE to collect any insufficient funds. Payment must be made weekly to prevent dismissal from the program. If the student is dismissed he/she may return once the balance is paid in full. A statement of your account is available upon request.

Parents are required to register their child(ren) and sign the Parent Acknowledgement Statement verifying they understand the rules and regulations of Sawnee Zone. There is an annual registration fee of $65. You may register at


The hours for Sawnee Zone are from dismissal until 6:30PM. If your student is not picked up by 6:30 PM, there will be a $1.00 per minute late fee per child due at time of pick up. If we cannot locate a parent after 6:30PM, we will begin calling the authorized people on the registration form. In the event that no one can be reached after a reasonable amount of time, The Sawnee Zone Director and /or Principal will use their discretion as to which authorities to contact. Sawnee Zone is not open during school holidays or inclement weather days. In the event of early dismissal due to inclement weather or other emergencies, Sawnee Zone will not be open.

Pick Up

Release of the students will be to the parents or authorized adult (18 or older) only. The Sawnee Zone Director is to be notified in writing of any changes. Picture identification will be checked until the staff members are familiar with parents or authorized person(s). Any unusual restrictions should be noted on the registration form. You will need to sign your child(ren) out in our “Check Out Station” located in our Zone office in front of building 2. It is the responsibility of the parent to provide transportation. Students are not allowed to walk or ride bikes home.

Early Morning Drop-Off

If needed, you have the option for early morning drop-off in the building 1 cafeteria, beginning at 7:00 am. Once registered, the weekly fee for early morning drop-off is $35/week.

Behavior Policy

We must strive to provide an atmosphere that is conducive to the safety of all children. Our expectation for appropriate student behavior will be communicated and followed. We will have rules and consequences for each grade level. The following consequences will be enforced: 1st – Warning & letter to parent (If the first offense is very serious, the student could be suspended without warning.) 2nd – Time out in the office for the remainder of the day. 3rd- Suspension from the program the following day. 4th – Expelled from the program.
