in suffering is strength b-sides | 22 May 2016 | first sunday of ordinary time

"We boast in our hope of sharing the glory of God. And not only that, but we also boast in our sufferings." Romans 5:2-3
Offer now what will cost you a great deal, and you’ll be enriched beyond anything you can imagine.



1. What kinds of messages does our culture send about where strength comes from, what we should be proud of, and what suffering means?

2. Can you think of a time that you held on to something -- a job, a relationship, a habit or an addiction -- too long? What happened?

3. How do you think the world would look different if people dragged their secrets out into the open more often?

She dragged not only her hope into the light, but she dragged her suffering and sin and shame into the light too, and it made not only her strong, but her courage and sacrifice -- her being honest about her shame and the sin that clung so closely -- it enabled her community to become safe again, and to find healing.

Father God, you give us Holy Scripture that we may learn your voice, recognize your work, and follow your lead. Through the Holy Spirit, you enter our hearts and tug us along the path of life; help us to be sensitive to Your suggestions and to be transformed by the trials through which You comfort us. We pray this in the name of Jesus, your Son, and our risen Lord. Amen.

Created with images by stevepb - "leaf autumn dawn" • WerbeFabrik - "ashtray tilt cigarette butts" • cluczkow - "ocean"

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