This Week In Kidspoint

Kidspoint Rally-8:45am This Sunday

Come on out into the foyer this Sunday before first service and join us for an all-team rally! We will also be celebrating breaking the 21 Day fast, so you can be reassured there will be something yummy to eat!

New Original Series-Camp Ikenbee

For the month of February in Quest K-3 and Trek we will be starting an original series called "Camp Ikenbee" (pronounced 'I can be') made in-house by our creative department! This Sunday we will be handing out smores bags to all kids encouraging them to come back the following week for our new series!

Superbowl Sunday-February 5th

After each service we will be having a fun tailgate to get excited for the Big Game! This is a perfect opportunity to invite a friend to join you.

Article-The Most Important Thing You Can Do

Take a moment to read this great reminder about the most important thing we can do as a child's spiritual leader.


Please submit any prayer requests you have below!

Dream Again

Heart & Soul,

Lauren Armstrong//Stafford Kidspoint Director

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