Good Life Perfomance Austin Farrugia

Spatial Experience

The Constans Theatre is clean and modern, serving as a nice blank slate for the audience before they see the play. There are few distractions to take away from the performance, sans a few tasteful art pieces that help add color to the relatively plain space. The set up of the theatre itself leaves little disparity between the seats, for no matter where one sits, there is no obstruction of the play, therefore no hindrance of the performance. The auditorium was big enough for comfortability, but small enough for intimacy. This is important because one's surroundings are often a defining cornerstone of one's life, so the limitation of distractions for the play help provide the best experience.

The Social Experience 

Fortunately for me, I had the privilege to attend this performance with close friends. To prepare for the show, I read the information presented on Canvas so I could better appreciate the play. Being in attendance with friends, I could discuss and reflect on the play during the intermission/end of the play, exchanging different interpretations and views. I believe that who you surround yourself with defines any experience, where for example good company can make a bad time fun and enjoyable.

Cultural and Intellectual Experience 

"The Divine" is set in 1905 Quebec City, Quebec, right at the turn of the twentieth century; the Catholic religion dominated all parts of society and art was seen as an expression of selfishness and sin. Central issues addressed include moral and ethical obligations between social classes; for example, the young seminarian tasked with the job to terminate a play is challenged with the revelation of the inequities of his time, and even the hypocrisy of his own profession and faith. Before the play began,I was given the playbill, allowing me to further prepare for the play so that I could have a better understanding of what I was watching. Without the playbill, my knowledge of the influence of the Catholic Church in Quebec was menial. Unfortunately, I am unable to relate these issues with my personal life, although I do find the historical applications interesting.

The Emotional Experience 

This play was written very recently but set over one hundred years ago, that presents many taboo topics that causes people to question and wonder. The play is rooted through true accounts of history and reveals a dark, influential side of religion that many may not have been aware of or wanted to acknowledge. It addresses rebellion and realization of self, for the main characters in the play never once remain stagnate on their own beliefs. It shows that although one may have strong convictions, they can still be swayed to a different perspective.
Created By
Austin Farrugia


Created with images by kaykaybarrie - "Factory Theatre" • Lima Pix - "Saint Mark's Coptic Orthodox Church" • AndyRobertsPhotos - "Theatre"

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