No Filter - Youth Art Exhibition New york, ny - july 14th, 2017

What is it?

The No Filter exhibition will be a space for young creatives, like myself, to showcase their artwork and connect with other individuals like themselves. The exhibition will consist of visual and performance art that reflects the youth of today and their journey through their creative endeavors.

Let's Make It Happen!

In order to make this exhibition happen I will need a event/gallery space in New York City and the resources to create marketing and advertising around the event. I hope that this event will give a space for young creatives to showcase their work because being able to show others your work is a feeling like no other. I want this to be something that these artists can be proud of because when I create I love to share. That is one of the biggest things that has allowed me to be an Adobe Creative Scholar.

Great Jones Studio

I will be planning, curating, and managing the event. Being that I am also an alumni of the Urban Arts Partnership program, this is a great way for me to help create a networking space for these artists as well as put my skills to work. This project will help my professional development being that I am a Digital Media Management student. While I love to learn in a classroom, I also learn best from experience. What better experience is there than putting my communication, media and management skills to work. This project will show my future employers that I am dedicated and serious about what I want to do.

It's Not Just About Me...'s about the art. When I was a student at UAP there was something about getting on stage and singing a song I wrote and produced. It's a great feeling being able to share your work with others and have it acknowledge, it all of a sudden feels so real. Other creatives should have be able to share this feeling with me. I would love to create a space where people who are already in creative fields are interacting with youth who are the future of those fields.


My project will create a positive social impact because it creates a space where young people can enjoy being able to showcase it to others. I hope that this will help inspire others to want to show their work more and possible create safe spaces for others to share their creativity with the world. I'm hoping my project will reach the world. I want to inspire other youth and show that we can do anything as long as we can think it. Whether you are the one putting on the exhibition or participating you have a vision and your vision matters. My target audience is other creative youth who are looking to network with individuals who are in creative fields they would like to work in.

How Can Adobe Help?

This grant would mean creating the space I've talked about. Giving the means to allow young artists to flourish, network and share their art. I hope that if given the opportunity to make this happen, that it will not be a one time thing. The grant goes beyond just money, it would also mean that Adobe believes in its creative scholars and stands by helping the creative youth of America express themselves outside of school and homes.

Estimated Budget


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