Book Thief Oral By felicity bertram

Chapter: The Struggler, Concluded (Pages 182-184)

Chapter: Peace (Pages 424-425)

‘He was nearly there - the most dangerous place to be.’

‘Scratchy feeling of sin…How could he show up and ask people to risk their lives for him? How could he be so selfish?’

‘Dark, passive buildings. The town hall stood like a giant, ham-fisted youth, too big for his age… It all watched him’

‘German children were on the lookout for stray coins. German Jews kept watch for possible capture.’

‘The other was still holding Mein Kampf…with a gentle secretion of sweat.’

‘resisting the urge to smile, resisting the urge to sob or even imagine the safety that might be awaiting him… This was no time for hope.’

Max Vandenburg from the movie

‘You’ve done enough.’

‘She waved and he did not wave back.’

‘How Perfect. Peace.’

‘Silence was not quiet or calm, and it was not peace.’

By Felicity Bertram 9B

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