THE EPIC Behind the making of a newspaper

1) PITCH ROULETTE-- staff members pitch story ideas for as many sections as they can

Junior Michyla Lin (right) discusses an idea for an opinion story with opinion section editor Catherine Huang (left).

News editors Harsh Jain (left) and William Guo (right) look at the ideas that staff members have pitched.

2) ASSIGNMENTS-- after stories are decided, section editors assign stories.

(From left to right): Catherine Huang (Opinion SE), Aurelia Yang (In-depth SE), Eshani Mehta (Features SE) and Chelsea Li (Sports SE) write out the stories that will be included in the newspaper.

DRAFTS-- Each story goes through around 6 drafts before it is published.

Writers interview students, teachers, administrators and professionals for their stories.

Staff members Jocy He (left) and Patricia Wei (right) work together to write an in-depth story.

DUMMYING-- graphic and layout ideas are drawn out on paper before they are created.

Staff members Divya Nelakonda (left) and Noela Bae (right) look up infographic ideas for the News section.

Michyla Lin draws a layout for the In-Depth section.

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