7 Tips you need to know to have a healthy lifestyle.
First, to have a healthy life doing a serie of tips to get a good quality of life, practice often diferent types of sports or excercise and we can enjoy with our family and friends of the good moments.
Drink water.
You must drink 1,5 Liters of water every day. It's important for your organism becouse is importan for the life.
Eat fruits and vegetables.
We must eat 5 pieces of fruit daily. They can provide us a great part of vitamins, minerals and fiber.
Do exercise daily.
Do exercise everyday is very important for us personal wellness. Doing exercise can prevent diseases and strenghthens your bones.
Reduce estress.
Reduce estress doing any activity that you can distract you mind.
Get better your rests habits-
An regular schedule of break can help us to recover of the fatigue of the previous day.
Limit the consume of sugar and salt-
An excess of sugar increases the weight and an excess of salt increment hypertensives processes.
Introduce fiber in your diet.
Fiber is very important in our diet becouse regulates the functioning of our organism.
My opinion.
In my opinion, I think that you can have a quiet life doing what you like without to search problems, avoid vices: drugs, alcohol, bad habits, in general... "You can take care your body and mind"


Created with images by Desertrose7 - "apples fruit red" • Daria-Yakovleva - "tomatoes vegetables food" • byrev - "drinking sun water" • Aproximando Ciência e Pessoas - "Frutas e Vegetais" • skeeze - "pommel horse gymnastics male" • jProgr - "Cupcake y azúcar glass" • stevepb - "salad fresh food" • jill111 - "woman happiness sunrise"

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