
Bring me Sunshine!

Wow…what a fantastic night! With the Spring Equinox barely behind us, this was the perfect night for a concert to welcome the new season! The evening started with fuel, curly fries are what tends to bring out the best and sure enough Aubrey and his team gave Middle School a little of what they needed.

The excitement was infectious and from the moment that 120 children entered St. George's Hall, as parents we felt the weight of the world lift and we enjoyed a moment of peace, joy, inspiration and perspective. Thank you to Yr3 & Yr4 for lifting our souls and reminding us that regardless of meaningful votes, whether we stay, leave or delay, there is a generation who might behave with more dignity and grace - here's to them!

"Music is important because it makes me smile" - Yr3 Pupil
"Music helps me relax...it can also make me happy" - Yr3 pupil

There were solo performances where such young learners stepped onto a lit stage and took unbelievable risks with such fearless confidence - this can only mean that they are so comfortable in their own abilities and each other and long may this last. There were duets, group ensembles, choirs and so much more where you could see the connections between musicians and friends. What a wonderful evening - I count myself very lucky and thankful to have enjoyed a very genuine pause in my hectic day!

"Yes...I do wish I had taken my opportunity to learn a musical instrument at school" - Most Middle School Parents!

Thank you to all of the staff who brought this together at the end of a long winter of planning, teaching and inspiring - few schools are lucky enough to have staff who take such pride and joy in supporting your children and each other - Mr Birdi, our Network Manager, chose to stay and ensure that the lighting programming worked - even though he left me in the dark! Mr Ford, please thank your team for inspiring our musicians to strive to be better than they were yesterday - and thank you for being you! Here are a few moments that were captured on the night...

"Music can help people find their talents and express their creativity" - Yr4 pupil

Tim Calvey

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